Tuesday, November 3, 2009

En la casa de Benito

¡Bienvenidos a mi presentación sobre mi casa!

(Welcome to my presentation about my house!)

There are four steps to the presentation:
1) instructional video
2) pre-quiz to see how much vocabulary you already know about furniture and rooms in a house
3) vocabulary presentation- consists of both a narrated video (3a) and the text of the narration (3b)
4) hot potatoes quiz to test how much vocabulary you learned in the presentation


2) Pre-video quiz


3b) Este edificio es mi casa. Mi casa también es mi hogar. Mi casa está en Flagstaff, Arizona en los Estados Unidos. Vivo en mi casa con mis dos compañeros de cuarto y mi perro. Mi perro es muy gordo pero ¡es muy adorable! Mi casa tiene ocho cuartos; hay tres alcobas, una cocina, un comedor, una sala, un baño y un garaje. También tengo un jardín de rosas muy lindo en mi casa.
A mi me gusta mi alcoba. Una alcoba también se llama una habitación o un dormitorio en Argentina y se llama una recámara en México. Yo duermo en mi alcoba todas las noches en mi cama, pero mi perro nunca duerme en mi cama. En mi alcoba yo uso mi lámpara para leer mis libros en mi cama. Por la noche me gusta leer en mi cama. En mi alcoba tengo una cómoda y también tengo un armario donde está mi ropa. También en mi alcoba tengo un escritorio donde estudio todas las noches. En mi alcoba también hay un estante con muchos libros.
Yo cocino mi cena todas las noches en mi cocina. En mi cocina tengo un refrigerador pero ¡es muy feo! También en mi cocina tengo varios platos azules.
Todos los días yo como mi desayuno en mi comedor. En mi comedor yo tengo una mesa grande con seis sillas y una pintura grande. Por la mañana me gusta mirar el amanecer en las ventanas de mi comedor.
En mi sala tengo dos sofás pero no tengo un sillón. También tengo una mesita en mi sala. En mi mesita tengo una planta de Jade que tiene veinte años. Mi perro duerme en su cama y por eso no tiene que dormir en la alfombra. Por la noche me gusta ver la televisión con mi perro y con un fuego en la chimenea.
Mi baño es muy pequeño pero mi baño tiene un lavabo. Todos los días yo lavo las manos en el lavabo, por eso también el lavabo también se llama el lavamanos. Yo no tengo una bañera en mi baño. En México y en Colombia la bañera también se llama la tina. En lugar de una bañera yo tengo una ducha en mi baño.
También tengo un garaje pequeño en mi casa. ¡No puedo almacenar mi caro en mi garaje porque tengo todo mis esquís y bicicletas!
También tengo un patio en mi casa. Me gusta mi patio aunque no tiene una piscina.
Gracias por visitar a mi casa. ¡Mi casa es su casa!

4) Hot potatoes quiz


  1. I liked the presentation, it was very easy to understand and I could follow along with the pictures for even better comprehension. Even though we haven't started going over the house and household items in class, the presentation has helped me to already understand and become familiar with some of the most common words used when talking about a house. The last presentation on Argentina was also helpful but this one seemed to reinforce vocabulary more and is easier to relate to since I see these items in my own house every day. After reading the narration of the presentation I see how simple it can be to fully describe a house using the words and concepts learned in class.
    -Jessica McKune

  2. yo me gusta el video . la imformacion es my bueno y son picturas ayundan mucha .

    te gusta seirra nevada? porque tu tienes la cerveza cerca de la fuega .

    these blogs are very helpfull becuase i am a visual leaner and when words are put to pictures its easier to understand .

    Shane Simonian

  3. I really like the presentation, once again. I do find that they are useful and helpful. It was very easy to follow and understand the actual vocabulary. Following the narration and the video helped enforce what each thing was. Reading a word over and over can be a little dull and seeing it presented like this I thought was beneficial. It definitely reinforces what we learn in the classroom setting.
    - Stephanie Godin

  4. This presentation was very helpful when i see the word, hear how its pronounced, and see what it means or what it is associated with it sticks in my memory more. I like the presentations they help alot because it helps me learn the material in all possible ways but with great convenience because everything is in one place. I also like your videos better than the ones we view in class because I am actually able to follow what your are saying and don't feel so lost. :)
    Samara DeBise

  5. Since we haven't discussed furniture in class yet, I found this video a little more difficult than the cultural video. However, the links to the word translations helped a lot and also the fact that the video showed which room you were talking about along with the objects in the room, that helped as well. I enjoy the video, quiz combination also because I am able to go at my own pace.

    - Alyssa Pimentel

  6. I tried to sign in to comment on the blog but it would not let me. But, I thought think that these assignments are very helpful and are a good interactive system to help us put our vocabulary to good use and practice for exams and quizzes.
    -Emily Moriarty

  7. this presentation was very helpful especially with the way you put the video together and talked about different things within the house. it was helpful having the pictures to look at as you describe an object because it makes it easier to figure out what your talking about. the visual part really helps me out. :) jessyka b.

  8. this presentation was very helpful in reviewing all of the vocab we went over today. visuals help alot, and even though there are drawings in the book, it's nice to see the actual things because that helps me to remember all the vocab more efficiently.
    -Derrick Strosnider

  9. This video was very well done, the material was presented in a very clear way. Being able to stop and rewind the video is extremely helpful. Also there was not too many extra words that we didnt know which helped the context to understand what you were saying.

    Mike Doonan

  10. I really like the combination of the text, video, and listening portions of your presentation. I am better at reading Spanish then writing or listening to it, so this definitely challenged me in a good way. I also really appreciated the highlighted words that I was able to click on in order to define them. This made it a lot less stressful to translate.
    One problem I had was that during the pre video quiz I was unable to find a link for the accented letters for está. (I copied and pasted the a from another site). I tried clicking on the "Index" button available, but that only lead me to a page that I couldn't open.

    Other than that everything was awesome!

  11. The previous comment is mine, thanks.

    Sharon Harris ^

  12. I liked the presentation because it was accompanied by visuals. There were some vocabulary that I didn’t yet have memorized and being able to look up and see what was going on helped jog my memory. I think this is a great way to use technology to teach
    Anna McCabe (It won't let me log in)

  13. Hey so these videos really help me because I am a very visual person. I also have a hard time saying some of these words in spanish and being able to see them and hear them is very helpful.

    The audio is better on this one but I can still do better.

    O and your lamp is freakin sweet!

    Jeremy Russell

  14. I thought this presentation was an excellent method for learning vocabulary. Though the textbook offers an illustration to accompany the vocabulary, I often find memorization difficult and it was a great help to hear the vocabulary words in the context of a sentence.

    -Aidan Charles

  15. thanks for the homework assignment i just remembered at the last minute before going out to enjot pre veteran day celebrations if there is such a thing. i liked the presentation and it was quite easy to follow. good to see video and text at the same time to follow what you are talking about. makes alot more sense than looking in the dictionary all the time. maybe if you were doing another one it would be good to see the way a south american house or spanish house is laid out and organized.


    tiarnach collins
